/* WP-wp_dTree 3.5 (ulfben 2008-10-27) Escapes HTML-entities so they don't break the link titles / display WP-wp_dTree 3.3 (ulfben 2007-10-26) Fixed $curdir being undefined on some servers. (contributed by Zarquod) Added base URL to the tree so we won't have to pass it in for every node. Added a truncate-title function so we wont have to pass redundant data. Removed the text and graphic for the root-node. WP-wp_dTree 3.2 (ulfben 2007-10-08) Added duration parameter to the GET array. Removed title on root-node. */ /*--------------------------------------------------| | WP-wp_dTree 2.2 | www.silpstream.com/blog/ | |---------------------------------------------------| | Copyright (c) 2006 Christopher Hwang | | Release Date: July 2006 | | Modifications: | | v2.2 Added support for generating page trees | | Added support for excluding specific posts | | from tree | | Updated option menu | | Rewrite of base code | | Fixed support for tooltips on non-linked | | folders | | Added option for not displaying posts in | | archive tree | | v2.1 Patch to work with Regulus theme | | Ability to change open/close all link | | Set folders as links option | | Highlight current position in blog | | v2.0 Support for scriptaculous effects added | | Category based menu added | | Support for wp_dTree options was built in | | Option menu added to admin panel | | v1.0 Work arounds added for wordpress beautified | | permalinks. | |--------------------------------------------------*/ /*--------------------------------------------------| | wp_dTree 2.05 | www.destroydrop.com/javascript/tree/ | |---------------------------------------------------| | Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Geir Landr� | | | | This script can be used freely as long as all | | copyright messages are intact. | | | | Updated: 17.04.2003 | |--------------------------------------------------*/ // wp_dtree_Node object function wp_dtree_Node(id, pid, name, url, title, targ, count, rsspath){ this.id = id; this.pid = pid; this.name = name; this.url = url; this.title = title; this.count = count; //for postcounts this.rsspath = rsspath; //for feed link. var icon, iconOpen, open; //these were originally passed as parameters, but were never used in wp-dtree. this.target = targ; this.icon = icon; this.iconOpen = iconOpen; this._io = open || false; this._is = false; this._ls = false; this._hc = false; this._ai = 0; this._p; }; // Tree object function wp_dTree(objName, baseUrl, truncate){ this.config ={ target : null, folderLinks : false, useSelection : false, useCookies : true, useLines : true, useIcons : true, useStatusText : false, closeSameLevel : false, inOrder : false } this.icon ={ root : 'http://www.kagashoukai.com/cleaning/wp-content/plugins/wp-dtree-30/dtree-img/empty.gif', folder : 'http://www.kagashoukai.com/cleaning/wp-content/plugins/wp-dtree-30/dtree-img/folder.gif', folderOpen : 'http://www.kagashoukai.com/cleaning/wp-content/plugins/wp-dtree-30/dtree-img/folderopen.gif', node : 'http://www.kagashoukai.com/cleaning/wp-content/plugins/wp-dtree-30/dtree-img/page.gif', empty : 'http://www.kagashoukai.com/cleaning/wp-content/plugins/wp-dtree-30/dtree-img/empty.gif', line : 'http://www.kagashoukai.com/cleaning/wp-content/plugins/wp-dtree-30/dtree-img/line.gif', join : 'http://www.kagashoukai.com/cleaning/wp-content/plugins/wp-dtree-30/dtree-img/join.gif', joinBottom : 'http://www.kagashoukai.com/cleaning/wp-content/plugins/wp-dtree-30/dtree-img/joinbottom.gif', plus : 'http://www.kagashoukai.com/cleaning/wp-content/plugins/wp-dtree-30/dtree-img/plus.gif', plusBottom : 'http://www.kagashoukai.com/cleaning/wp-content/plugins/wp-dtree-30/dtree-img/plusbottom.gif', minus : 'http://www.kagashoukai.com/cleaning/wp-content/plugins/wp-dtree-30/dtree-img/minus.gif', minusBottom : 'http://www.kagashoukai.com/cleaning/wp-content/plugins/wp-dtree-30/dtree-img/minusbottom.gif', nlPlus : 'http://www.kagashoukai.com/cleaning/wp-content/plugins/wp-dtree-30/dtree-img/nolines_plus.gif', nlMinus : 'http://www.kagashoukai.com/cleaning/wp-content/plugins/wp-dtree-30/dtree-img/nolines_minus.gif' }; this._url = baseUrl; this._truncate = truncate; this.obj = objName; this.awp_dtree_Nodes = []; this.aIndent = []; this.root = new wp_dtree_Node(-1); this.selectedwp_dtree_Node = null; this.selectedFound = false; this.completed = false; }; // Adds a new node to the node array wp_dTree.prototype.a = function(id, pid, title, path, link_target, count, rsspath){ if(typeof(count) != "undefined" && count != ""){ count = "